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Florida Equestrian Teams

Florida | FSU | Miami |UCF| FAU | USF | FIU | Rollins | FGCU | UNF

horse and rider jumping fenceFlorida equestrian teams compete in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association. Florida is home to ten college equestrian teams and clubs. These competitive equestrian clubs field impressive dressage, hunter/jumper and western pleasure teams.

College teams compete within the guidelines of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association or the Intercollegiate Dressage Association IDA.

College Equestrian Horse Shows

College equestrian horse shows are different than any other horse show in that the riders do not use their own horses, but ride the horses housed at whatever school is playing host to the show. This saves the time and expense transporting horses around the show circuit and challenges the riders to perform on a different horse each week. Experienced show riders will understand the skill level this requires.

Intercollegiate Horse Show Association IHSA

All teams are members of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) that includes over 270 private and public universities encompassing 23 regions and 8 zones. ISHA supports Hunt Seat Competition and Western Equestrian. The link will take you to a listing of colleges and universities within the United States that feature equestrian clubs and riding teams.

The IHSA provides collegiate riders of all skills the opportunity to compete individually and as teams in equestrian competition. It was founded on the principle that any college student should be able to participate in horse shows regardless of his or her riding ability or financial status.

Zone 5, Region 3

Florida schools compete in Zone 5, Region 3 of the IHSA which includes the University of Florida, College of Central Florida, College of Charleston S.C., Florida State University, Georgia Southern University, Mercer University, Savannah College of Art & Design, University of Central Florida, University of Miami (FL), University of South Florida and Wesleyan College, Florida Atlantic University, Florida Gulf Coast University, Rollins College, and Florida International University.

Florida State University Equestrian Club

The Equestrian Club at Florida State University is centered around giving students the opportunity to compete and be involved within the equestrian community. Our Hunt Seat and Western members compete within the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association and our Dressage team competes within the Intercollegiate Dressage Association.

University of Central Florida Equestrian Club

Any UCF student, faculty, staff, or alumni is eligible to join the club. The club dues are $30 per year and no riding experience is necessary; members do not even have to learn how to ride to be involved! The club provides its members with several ways to get involved with their school and the community as well as promote equine education. The club provides care and support for the Pegasus Mascot Program. It also competes in local riding competitions as well as the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association and the Intercollegiate Dressage Association sanctioned events. Riders can compete in Hunt Seat Equitation on the flat and over fences, USDF Recognized Dressage, and Western Horsemanship and reining events.

The University of Florida Equestrian Team

Even while embracing the jumping challenged Gator as its mascot, the UF Equestrian team competes with other southeastern universities in dressage, hunt seat and western. UF is home to Florida's only veterinary school, the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.

Florida Atlantic University Equestrian Club

This established equestrian team features a hunter/jumper team and a western pleasure team. Throughout the year, FAU Equestrian members participate in many fundraisers, volunteer for the community, host IHSA horse shows, and put on local schooling shows to raise funds for the travel team, which competes in classes ranging from Walk-Trot to open divisions in Hunt Seat.

Florida International University Equestrian

The FIU Equestrian Team invites riders and non riders alike and fields hunt seat, dressage and western teams. Our main goal is to share our passion for horses with the FIU community. We pride ourselves in giving equal opportunity to riders of all levels and teaching them to ride different types of horses in a safe, controlled atmosphere. FIU Equestrian is composed of both a team and a club. The team competes in IHSA horse shows all throughout Florida and parts of Georgia. The club is reserved for riders looking for a more relaxed approach.

Florida Gulf Coast University Equestrian Club

FGU Equestrian Club was established in April of 2010. We are part of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association and compete in events held in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Our club members have an interest in horses, riding, and equestrian competition. We welcome any level of riding experience, or none at all, so if you are interested please contact us!

Rollins College Equestrian Club

The purpose of Rollins College Equestrian Club is to promote equestrian sports, general knowledge, and proper horse care; to further the availability of equestrian sports to the Rollins College community; and, to encourage active participation in the sport. The Rollins College Equestrian Team competes against other Zone V Region V schools through the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA). During the academic year, the team can compete in 4-8 shows within the Florida/Georgia region.

University of South Florida Equestrian Club

The USF Equestrian Club supports a hunt seat and a western team with both competing in the IHSA. We have a fully functional competition team. Many of our members have extensive show records and have already proven themselves in the show ring. However, we have and welcome beginners to give the show ring a try! There are classes for riders of any level, and there’s nothing quite like the horse show experience! We hope to continue to compete in local shows and further build our own IHSA team.

University of Miami Equestrian Club

The UM Equestrian Team was founded in 1997 and competes in IHSA events. The club ensures that there is a spot for any student who wants to ride. No experience is necessary to join.

This school year, the club's competition squad is taking part in eight horse shows against other schools, including the College of Charleston and Georgia Southern University. Each university involved in competition must host one show throughout the year.

University of North Florida Equestrian Club and Team

The University of North Florida Equestrian Team was founded in 2010. The team strives to promote outstanding academics, community service, school spirit, sportsmanship, and horsemanship. We are dedicated to serving our University and the Jacksonville area by providing opportunities for students to compete on a collegiate level, and by giving back to the community.

The UNF Hunt Seat team competes on a collegiate level in Zone 5, Region 5 of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA).

The UNF Western Equestrian team competes on a collegiate level in Zone 5, Region 5 of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA).

Georgia Collegiate Equestrian Teams

Florida Atlantic University Equestrian Team

University of South Florida equestrian club

Florida International University equestrian

Florida Gulf Coast University Equestrian

University of Florida equestrian

university of central florida logo

University of Miami equestrian
